길드 이벤트 -
알림 사항
3월 30일 낮 12:00 시
카오스 시세 맞추기(닌자기준)
1디바인 = ??? 카오스
※ 30일 낮 12시를 기점하여 당첨자 확인
정답자 : 1디바인
특별 이벤트 : 준비중
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POE 2에서는 WASD로도 캐릭터를 움직일 수 있습니다.

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Path of Exile 2 is building on a decade of action RPG depth, but it's the no-cooldown dodge roll I'm really psyched about

Grinding Gear Games on balancing complexity and approachability in Path of Exile 2.


A related—and newer—development is that Path of Exile 2 will support WASD movement, allowing players to directly control their exile rather than point where they want them to go. While there's no intention to make POE 2 a reflex-oriented action game, it's definitely going to appeal to people who prefer to play ARPGs that way. "When I suggested hey, maybe we should have WASD controls for all our characters, as well as point-and-click to move, people were like 'what are you doing? We can't change that!'," recalls Rogers. "But being willing to make those kinds of changes to actually make the game better I think is going to impress existing players as well as new players."








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